Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sorry you guys for the delay. My blog has not been functioning correctly. It hasn't been accepting my posts.

The concept of "Noise" was new to me this week. I always looked at noise in terms of unorganized sound. However this week noise showed itself to be anything that distracts one's mind from drawing conclusions. The ads on TV have become second nature and they move our subconscious to impulsively buy, buy, buy. The noise of our cell phones interrupts our thoughts and only raises the number of jolts we encounter each day.

I have come to realize that the jolts of society are essentially the average persons drug of choice. Most people have become accustomed to having a certain level of jolts each day. We seek them out through gossip, the Internet tabloids, news headlines, reality TV (or not so real) and anything else that stifles our own thoughts. Realizing this has made me become aware that I should monitor more closely why I have the need to read a text message as soon as it comes. Why has my mobile communication gained so much leverage in my life?

Questioning these common practices is all the introspection one needs. Culture Jam wants us to take a look at our life critically. Possibly some of us need to snip some of the pseudo-umbilical cords we have created. Let go of Brangelina's life and get out and live our own. Connect back with nature. Give yourself a break from TV and feed your mind with a book. Let's not forget that when you read that book, it is important to filter what you accept and reject from it. Don't let everything in.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My name is Chelsea. I am a Social Work major at Shippensburg University. I hope that you find my words thought provoking to say the least. Enjoy.