Thursday, March 18, 2010


I have to admit that the first 20 pages of this novel are severely wordy and dry. I feel like his sentences just go on and on and on. I didn't begin to get interested until there was that ominous knock at the door after Winston had wrote "Down with Big Brother." I thought for sure something bad was going to happen to him them.

This book so far is really scary. It concerns me that it was written in 1949 and that he saw this dreary life coming then. On page 37 the idea of "memory holes" are introduced. It amazes me how they just rewrite history in an effort for the party to never be wrong. They destroy all proof and reissue the original copy to reflect that. This is beyond any government that I ever want to see.

It makes you wonder. Are we headed to this extreme socialist existence? This existence equalizes society but makes it so everyone has nothing except the elites. Hopefully I can make it through the rest of this dreary novel. I am sure along the way I will commit a few "facecrimes." (62).


  1. I agree that the book started to get interesting when Winston first wrote in his diary "Down with Big Brother". This book is scary to me too; how you said the party just rewrites history so that they are always right.

  2. I know what you mean.. when I first started reading the novel I read to reread the first couple pages a few times because it was hard for me to catch on. I also think it is scary that the government has such control over the people that they can change the history and once it is changed there is no way of proving what really happened. I would hate to live in a society like this, having to sneak around to get some privacy and always being worried about getting caught. I would hate this.

  3. I also agree that the novel did get interesting when Winston wrote in his diary. I also don't like that fact that they rewrite history so that they will always be right. That fact really scares me.

  4. I also thought the novel was very boring to begin with but eventually I picked up interest. It is really scary to think that someday the government could end up like this with them possibly changing history
