Thursday, February 4, 2010

I feel that one of my best qualities is that I know I am a work in progress. I understand that I will never be perfect. I understand that I will always need to work towards some change. Knowing that is exactly what Bell Hooks described in her video. She stated that the only way that one can transform their life is to develop an ability to think critically. One needs to think critically about themselves, others, and their environment.

Weather your environment is Yale or an urban community do not let it go unquestioned. This lead to her next controversial point about the Urban childrens lack of entitlement. I agree with her. I agree because I have seen it. I have seen people afraid to try because they are certain they will fail. I have seen an environment of violence and negativity destroy a once hopeful mind.

Another intriguing phrase that Hook introduced was "White Supremicist Capitalist Patriarchy." When I first heard her say this, I thought that she was moving in the wrong direction. I immediately thought that this ideal was going to perpetuate more division. Her explanation of this phrase is what changed my mind. She said that using this phrase helped her to problemize racism beyond race. It's not about color, but about the institutions (government, media etc) that foster inequality. She even notes that these institutions have caused many minorities to destroy other minorities. The point is that racism is beyond one person or a group of people, it is global.


  1. I really liked your introduction as I feel the same about myself. I Have to disagree with you though on the last paragraph about the "White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy". I feel Hook took this too far and the problem is clearly not as severe as it used to be.

  2. I have to agree with Christian. I felt that she was sterotyping people after complaining about others sterotyping. Why is she any differnt from the people she is complaining about?

  3. Conversely, I think that Chelsea clearly understood hooks' goals. Her use of "White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy" is deliberate in the sense that she wants to "reinvent" the way the words are used to demonstrate how *power*--yielded either by cultural minorities or majorities, big corporations, etc--is used to harm or suppress others. I'm not surprised that hooks' ideas bristled my students. Her job is to get people thinking critically about the world they live in, so they can (as hooks states) "transform" it. I wouldn't be so quick to say that "none of this racism/patriarchy/oppression stuff" happens anymore. This is clearly not reality. Certainly, it is an ideal, but we haven't won the battle yet.

  4. I strongly agree with Chelsea. I do not think Hooks took it too far. Yeah the issue with racism is not as severe, but it is still a problem. I too have seen the fear of failure in urban children. Personally, I don't think that will ever come to a complete stop

  5. I can see where you are coming from with this. Even though I think Hook's can be a little bias with her personal opinion she makes us look at things in a different light. The part I like the most about her speeches is that she shows us the other side and makes is focus on things we rarely think about.
