Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 - 4/23 Blog

Unfortunately it seems that we are on the path predicted many yeas ago.... The path were ignorance is bliss and the government is the only "truth" around. Many of the novels that we have read this semester highlight Americans detrimental tendencies. They illustrate our impatience and fear of the unknown.

In Culture Jam, we were attacked for our disconnect with nature, our mindless consumerism, and our hours wasted in front of the TV. In Feed the TV graduated to being inside our brains and marketing us. It turned us into the product. In 1984 the TV began watching us. It became necessary to find ways to avoid the telescreen because otherwise you might disappear for doing the wrong thing.

In Fahrenheit 451 they used the television to distract us from all else. They encourage people to fill up their lives learning how to do things rather then pondering ideas. In this society having time to think became dangerous because it might wake you up enough to realize you were unhappy.

All the stories gave control to the government or some other large entity. That entity then began making all the decisions and one by one people started dying. Whether they disappeared or were weeded out by the government because they didn't fit in like Violet. I am truly scared and concerned that this could happen more so than what has already has taken place.


  1. I honestly think that the Feed world is only a couple years away! Look at the technology in cars. We have cars now that can park themselves. Whats next? Get in the car and say take me to the grocery store and in 2 minutes your there!? Scarey stuff!!

  2. From what I remember watching in class about corporations, it seems very similar to Feed. I like how you tied everything into the same conclusion. Each novel seems to have contributed to what we have learned and they are all heading in the same direction.
